Masuk Daftar

boleh tahan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "boleh tahan"
  • boleh:    be obliged to; can; could; just can; may; might;
  • tahan:    hardy; last; proof against; proofed against;
  • tahan:    hardy; last; proof against; proofed against; -proof; hold; proof; resist; resistant; stand for; wear; abide; jail; long-lived; pick up; lag; nail; vibrant; hold up; stick; tolerance; support; lean o
  • boleh:    be obliged to; can; could; just can; may; might; shalt; be welcome to; able; put up; liable; tin; afford; capable
  • barang tahan:    durable goods
  • cek tahan:    bounced cheque
  • dapat tahan:    wearable
  • daya tahan:    endurance; stamina; resistance; tolerance; resistor; ohmic resistance; electric resistance; immunity; sufferance; survival; supersoldier; electrical resistance; underground; resistivity; impedance
  • gunung tahan:    mt. tahan; mount tahan
  • sungai tahan:    tahan river
  • tahan air:    water-resistant; waterproof
  • tahan api:    fire proof; fire-resistant; fireproof; fireresistant; flame resistant; flameproof; incombustible; noncombustible
  • tahan asam:    acid proof; acid-fastness
  • tahan asid:    acidproof
  • tahan badai:    stormproof
  • All the sadness one can bear... ... downtherivereverywhere.
    Semua kesedihan yang boleh tahan menyusuri sungai di mana-mana.
  • Oh, I can't handle this much longer.
    Oh, saya tak boleh tahan lagi.
  • He may be a jerk, but this éclair ain't half bad.
    Dia mungkin teruk, tapi eclair ini boleh tahan.
  • I can't take any more.
    Aku tak boleh tahan lagi.
  • Not bad, don't waste it
    Boleh tahan, jangan membazir.
  • But it does the trick.
    Tapi rasanya boleh tahan.
  • Sorry. I couldn't resist.
    Maaflah, tak boleh tahan.
  • I can handle this.
    Aku masih boleh tahan.
  • I have more than I need, and it doesn't keep real well.
    Aku ada lebih dari yang aku perlukan, dan itu boleh tahan lah.
  • 3)Protecting of the suface oxygen membrane on the surface can be rust-proof,anti-corrosion .
    3) Melindungi membran oksigen di permukaan pada permukaan boleh tahan karat, anti-karat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2